WNCC awarded grant funds to purchase nursing simulators

Nursing Manikin

SCOTTSBLUFF, Neb. - With funds administered from the reVISION Action Grant, the Western Nebraska Community College Nursing program will purchase two high-fidelity nursing simulators for use on the Alliance and Sidney campuses.

The manikins, called Nursing Anne Simulators, provides a life-like patient experience for students in the WNCC Nursing program.

"We can create a patient experience for our students in a simulated environment," Becky Kautz, WNCC nursing program director said. "It's a very safe place for students to learn bridging their theory to practice. The manikins have potential for a lot of different engagements related to clinical practices."

The manikins can be programmed to display symptoms of common illnesses as well as allow students to practice general diagnostics. It features realistic skin, a heartbeat, breathing, in addition to fully-articulated arms and legs. Amber Jacoby, a WNCC nursing instructor, runs the simulations for students and can customize the program to allow students to practice a wide variety of skills and procedures.

The reVISION Action Grant is intended to improve, modernize, and expand career and technical education (CTE) programs to align with Nebraska's economic priorities and workforce demands. WNCC was awarded $77,628. More than $1.3 million was awarded to 17 public schools and community colleges across the state. For more information about the grant, visit education.ne.gov/nce/action-grant/.

WNCC currently has one Nursing Anne simulator on the Scottsbluff campus. The addition of the simulators on the Alliance and Sidney campuses will allow more hands-on training for nursing students on all WNCC campuses.

Kautz also said that bringing the manikins to the Alliance and Sidney campuses will allow local hospital staff to receive more training and give high school students an inside look at the nursing program.

To learn more about the WNCC Nursing program, visit wncc.edu.