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Help people live to their fullest potential through proper nutrition for a healthy lifestyle.

Is coffee good for us or is it something we should avoid? This seems to change with every new study and it shows how we are still learning about the role food has in affecting our physical and mental health. With a career as a dietitian, you will evaluate clients and assess what is causing irregularities, and how it can be corrected through the chemical and nutritional values in foods. You will have the option to work in many different settings as a well-balanced diet is now widely considered to be effective preventative medicine, even within the public health care system.

WNCC’s Dietetics emphasis program is offered at all three of our campuses. You’ll broadly study the physiological responses of the human body in health and in sickness to learn how food effects the body. Our program will provide you with the first two years of study toward your bachelor’s degree in Human Resources and Family Science with a major in Dietetics at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln.

Award Types

  • Health Sciences, Dietetics Emphasis - Associate of Science

About the Program