Violette Briggs

Theatre Instructor
Violette Briggs, Theatre Instructor
Scottsbluff Campus
Main Campus Building
Theatre Program

Violette Briggs is the Theatre Director at Western Nebraska Community College. Violette earned her Master of Arts in Actor Training and Coaching at the Royal Central School of Speech and Drama in London. She is a certified instructor in the Alba and Emotional Body Methods, is an intimacy practitioner, and is a member of the Association for Theatre in Higher Education, the Theatre Communications Group, and the Voice and Speech Trainers Association, where she has been published in the VASTA Association Journal.                                                              

Violette has received awards from the Kennedy Center American College Theatre Festival for the development of a program, directing, stage combat, and choreography. She also has experience working on camera as an actor and as an acting coach.

She has directed over 50 productions, and coached actors who have been accepted to prestigious undergraduate and graduate programs at universities such as Columbia, NYU, and Wayne State University.