Who We Are

The Western Nebraska Community College Foundation seeks to support and assist the important work of helping students and changing lives happening every day at WNCC.


Dear Friends,

As President of the Western Nebraska Community College Foundation, I welcome you.

Perhaps you attended WNCC, or Scottsbluff Junior College, or even another community college. Then you understand the critical role community colleges have in the lives of its students and its community. WNCC cannot serve its students properly, however, without the generous support of local community members like you.

Through the WNCC Foundation, we can help many different people in many different ways. For instance, we award more than 70 scholarships to deserving students every year. We also raised an incredible $9.6 million thanks to the generosity of our community during our first-ever comprehensive campaign, which helped bring new facilities to all three campuses, added new career services to our students, and pumped more money into student scholarships. Plus, we strive to align our dollars with programs and services that most benefit the Nebraska Panhandle.

Ultimately, that means your tax-deductible gift can make a significant impact in the ability of our students and community to succeed.


Judy Chaloupka
Foundation Board President

About the Foundation

The WNCC Foundation is a separate, not-for-profit IRS approved 501(c)(3) corporation which provides financial assistance for the educational needs of WNCC that cannot be met through its traditional funding sources.  The Foundation is governed by a committed board of up to 24 community leaders that donate their time, talent, and resources to advancing the mission of WNCC and supporting its students; traditionally, the underserved.

The Foundation at WNCC was founded in 1971 has expanded into an organization that provides support for students, faculty, staff, programs, and capital projects on each of our three campuses. Through the generous support of individuals, corporations, and other organizations, The Foundation has grown from nothing more than a dream to over $2.8 million in net assets to date.

We provide resources - financial and professional - to enhance scholarship opportunities, provide growth opportunities, and support programs at WNCC. We are committed to expanding access and affordability for all students. We believe the work of the Foundation enhances the lives of community members, the quality of the college, and the communities it serves.

Board of Directors

Judy Chaloupka, President - Scottsbluff
Steve Olsen, Vice President - Scottsbluff
Dr. Daryl Wills, Secretary - Gering
Rick Tuggle, Treasurer
- Scottsbluff
Matt Benzel - Sidney
Zac Bryant - Scottsbluff
Dan Carter - Scottsbluff
Greg Dart, Ex-Officio - President, Western Nebraska Community College
Jane Fliesbach - Scottsbluff
Dr. John Harms - Scottsbluff
Thomas Holyoke - Scottsbluff
Jody Miles - Gering
Elaine Pile - Gering
Jodi Ruzicka - Gering
Crystal Sandberg - Gering
John Stinner, Ex-Officio - Western Nebraska Community College Governing Board
LaRita Van Boskirk - Gering
Gary Warner - Gering
Tiffany Wasserburger, Ex-Officio - Faculty, Western Nebraska Community College
Mark Wickard - Bridgeport
Patty Winkler - Scottsbluff
Mario Zavala - Scottsbluff
Oscar Gonzalez - Scottsbluff

Emeritus Directors

Dan Griess
Don Roth

Howard Olsen, Jr.
John Stinner, Sr.

Foundation Staff

Jennifer Reisig
Executive Director

Alena Haun
Foundation Development Director

Mary Sheffield
Alumni Relations Director

Charlotte Preston
Administrative Assistant